• Welcome to TripSit's Learning Portal

    We're thrilled to bring you the newest addition to our community of harm reduction and education.  We've launched our first course and are excited to start a new journey with you. While we may be starting with just one course, we're dedicated to growing this platform into an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to expand their knowledge on harm reduction, drug safety, and mental health. Join us on this adventure, and let's learn and grow together!

    If you're on mobile, we highly recommend the mobile app (Android | Apple) for the best experience!



Site announcements


by Trip Bot -

Welcome to TripSit Studies!

This site will be our portal for educational courses.

It's very much in the works, let me know what you think on the discord!

Available courses

Course image Intro to Tripsitting
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This course will get you famliar with the idea of tripsitting and qualify you for some basic sitting sessions.

This is meant to be a quick and easy way to learn the most vital information so new helpers are not clueless.

More advanced topics will be covered in later sessions